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Life at Thread in Motion

As a technology company founded in 2016, Thread in Motion continues to provide customers with quality service in 8 different countries with its 50 employees consisting of 5 different teams. Both the team and the company are growing day by day, and each of us who witnessed the growth is proud of being a part of TIM’s development!

So, Which Teams Do We Have in TIM?

Human Resources Team: Our relatively new team has adapted quickly and has become the backbone of our family, even though they are full of recruitment processes these days. In fact, we can say that they are enthusiastic to plan the events to be held together when the pandemic ends. :)

Technology Team: Our technology team, consisting of hardware, software, production and industrial design teams, continues to develop our existing products and work on new products. As they develop unique products with innovative perspectives, we continue to be surprised by their creative minds every day.

Sales and Business Development Team: As we all guessed, they are constantly in meetings, it is very difficult to reach them during the daytime. However, we can usually catch them in the car driving at weekly company meetings. As they give good news, our family's motivation increases accordingly.

Marketing Team: The marketing team, which is constantly chasing new strategies and perhaps having the most fun in the entire company, actually works in coordination with sales. In every conventional or digital platform you see TIM, the marketing team is involved. :)

Strategy and Finance Team: Being one of our oldest teams, they are known for running for almost everything! Although their job is more difficult and perhaps more serious than other teams, they always manage to be the apple of our family's eye with their colorful characters.

Life at TIM 2

How is a Day at TIM?

Since TIM, which is now a scale-up, continues to grow day by day, we can say that one day and another do not quite match with each other. We try to come to the office alternately, especially during the pandemic but; we have grown so fast that we sometimes have trouble keeping a certain number of people on each floor in the office. Since we are a young and dynamic team, it's easy to encounter someone going up and down the stairs between 3 floors.

At the start of our shift, everyone gets their coffee first. We’d like to give a huge shout-out to our beloved Aynur, who always makes coffee ready for our team, who might drink at least 5 pots of coffee a day. While maintaining social distance, we all find a way to laugh together with our masks on. Thus, our new co-workers who come to our family, where the hierarchies are flat and everyone helps and looks after each other, adapt easily. It can be obviously seen in weekly TIM meetings we hold on Friday evenings which is never without laughter. Even though we don’t have many ‘Fika’s lately, we will continue when we are together physically. :)

The TIM family consists of people who work hard and are devoted. Working in this family, where everyone is both friends and respectful to each other, even if the work is intense from time to time, the lively and colorful environment easily motivates us. We can say that TIM as a company is like our child that we all raise together.

The TIM family continues to grow and evolve day by day. If you would like to be a part of this family, please take a look at our open positions here and be a part of our journey!

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